The Florida Council for Public-Private
Partnerships launched to the public statewide last week at its very successful
inaugural conference in Orlando. One hundred thirty attendees, representing an
equal mix of public entities, builders, lenders/investors, design professionals
and others heard several case studies illustrating how P3 projects have been
successfully delivered. Featured projects included the Port of Miami Tunnel,
Long Beach Courthouse in California, Palm Beach County Convention Center Hotel
and the pending P3 expansion of Seminole State College. Other presenters
included William Merck, the CFO of the University of Central Florida,
Representative Greg Steube who sponsored the new P3 legislation, and the heads
of P3 activities for Balfour Beatty and AECOM.
The Florida Council for Public-Private
Partnerships fared well too, as attendees competed for the last founding member
positions and the membership drive is now in full swing. Check out the
website to learn how FCP3 can benefit you. Jump on
board – P3s are hot and are destined to become the future of public
construction. Join us now and get lined up for P3s. The momentum for them has
been immense over the past few weeks since the legislation passed.
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