As the momentum for public-private partnerships (“P3”) continues to accelerate,
both within Florida and elsewhere, the first Florida P3 trade association is
preparing to launch. With an inaugural board already empaneled and setting its
first meeting in August, the Florida Council for Public Private Partnerships
(“FCP3”) will provide educational content, case studies, relationship
development and networking, and other programs to stimulate P3s in Florida and
help its members start to do business with each other. Educational programs will
include studies of P3 projects from around the state, both successes and
failures, to explore what went right and what went wrong. National consultants
and advisors will provide educational components and, in the process, members
will develop relationships with each other with a goal of working together on P3
Membership in FCP3 will be open to anyone
interested in P3s, with membership categories including public owners; equity financiers and lenders; contractors, lenders and developers; and associate
members including lawyers, accountants, and members of the insurance and surety
industries. The inaugural board consists of members from large and well-known
governmental entities, investment firms, banks, contractors and engineers. The
board membership will be announced after the inaugural meeting in August. The
goal is to launch FCP3 this fall.
If you’re interested in more information about
membership, please contact me. Otherwise, stay tuned to this blog in the fall
for more details.